Red de analisis del Sistema Juridico y la Economia Comunidad de Madrid Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Castellano - English
Universidad Complutense de Madrid Universidad Carlos III UNED
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The research will adopt the Economic Analysis of the Law methodology, with each field being adapted to those of the different groups working in this network. In more detail:

  • Cost-efficiency analysis of public policies. Devising methodologies and applications in order to take full advantage of resource indices (Center of Economic Studies of Madrid - CESM).
  • Analysis of the regulation of the commercial sector and its repercussions on the regional economy (CESM).
  • Economic analysis of corruption and the asymmetry of information in the political market (Complutense University of Madrid - CUM).
  • Comparative analysis of the varying efficiency of judicial systems (CUM).
  • Models of stimulation of the function of business production and analysis of sectorial productivity (National Distance Learning University - NDLU).
  • Analysis of the efficiency and equity of the tax system (NDLU).
  • Analysis of economic and industrial policy in the XX century. Economic effects of protectionist policies and the role of lobbies (Carlos III University).
  • Comparative institutional economic history (Carlos III University).
  • In line with the current research of the different groups, all of them closely related to the contents of institutional economy, the following research lines will be carried out:
    • Measure and quantification of the transaction costs on the regional economy.
    • Analysis of the efficiency of regulation (theoretical and historical).
    • Economic analysis of the political system.
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